Category: Career Tips

Garages Fix Cars. We Fix Careers

5 Steps to Craft a Perfect LinkedIn Profile by Evelyn Sar

LinkedIn is a professional networking platform aimed to help individuals and businesses connect, share, and grow their professional networks. LinkedIn has many benefits, including recruiting and professional development opportunities. You can promote your personal brand by showcasing your skills, experiences, and achievements. Your LinkedIn profile often acts as an online resume and portfolio. Here are…
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Zoom Career Coaching for Recent Grads and Job Seekers

Unsure what you need assistance with in your job search? Career Service Station offers 1, 3 or 5 Zoom Career Coaching sessions (25 minutes each) for job seekers and career changers to get advice and guidance on: Resume Updates and Changes Using LinkedIn more effectively Establishing and strengthening your network Picking out and identifying companies…
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Make the Choice To Find the Career You Want

by Joy Kadowaki Are you looking for a change in your career? The first step to making a change is to start! Let us help you get started on fine tuning your career. See why our services at Career Service Stations are right for you. And if you don’t feel ready for change just…
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Setting Yourself Apart from Other Applicants to Find a Job or Internship as a Student by Sofia Ferrucci

The current job and internship market has left many undergraduate and graduate students feeling helpless in the battle against AI application readers and a lack of a humanistic approach to viewing applications. One of the primary reasons for this challenging landscape is the lingering effects of Covid-19, which has altered the way businesses operate. Many…
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How to Promote Yourself in an Interview Without Sounding Boastful

Mastering the art of self-promotion in interviews requires finesse and strategic communication. After reading several articles and blog posts to determine how to promote yourself during an interview without sounding like you are being boastful, there are a few common themes that are pivotal.  These are themes to remember when sitting in the interview in front…
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How to Maximize Your Engagement on LinkedIn

Using LinkedIn in any capacity can help to propel your career as a student or working professional. Although getting your profile set up and running is a great way to start, there are actions you can take to enhance your use of the platform. These actions should be taken with the intention of increasing your…
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Career Service Station Visits Troy, Schenectady and Albany High School to Talk About How to Write Effective Resumes

Robert Braathe volunteered his time to guest speak for 518ElevatED to high school students in Troy, Schenectady and Albany, NY the week of January 31st, 2023. During his LinkedIn and Resume Workshop, Robert shared insights on: Important things to include on your resume Interviewing tips including what to ask in an interview Why LinkedIn is…
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How to Find a Job You Desire and Deserve

Are you having a tough time finding your next job? It may be your resume. Here is a common critique I send clients when they aren’t getting responses or are getting auto-rejected. Here’s what Robert Braathe and the Career Service Station improve your resume: 1. Start with a stronger summary. 3-5 sentence fragments maximum describing…
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5 Simple Ways to Leverage Your LinkedIn Experience

Regardless of whether you are a college student looking for internships, a recent graduate searching for your first full-time job, or an individual well-settled in your profession, LinkedIn is a platform that should be used for staying updated on your respective field, connecting with others, and job searching. Here are some ways to optimize your…
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How to Know It’s Time to Leave Your Job

Regardless of what your job position is, there will undeniably be a point in your career where you wonder whether it’s time to leave your job. Sometimes, these considerations stem from feeling bored at work, a toxic work environment, an impulsive desire to switch careers, and many other factors. Because switching jobs is not something…
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