Category: Career Tips

Garages Fix Cars. We Fix Careers

Garages Fix Cars. We Fix Careers

Does your career need an “oil change”, “tuneup” or “overhaul”? Our founder, Robert Braathe, has advised thousands of candidates since 1996 on their job search and career goals. His experience working with Disney, Gap, and Apple as well as his own company have given him a multitude of opportunities to develop and grow talent. Contact…
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Need a Career Coach in NY, CT, or PA? Talk to The Career Service Station

You may need more than just a resume “oil change” or cover letter “tuneup”. Set up a time to speak to Robert to give you the career coach or career “mechanic” who can work with you to troubleshoot your career search and get you back out on the road to your next career stop! Setup…
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Need Help Applying for Jobs? Turn to The Career Service Station

We know how laborious it can seem to submit your application to a variety of jobs when they don’t use a common application system. Let The Career Service Station handle your job application needs. Send us your resume, and a list of jobs you are interested in applying for, and we will handle the rest.…
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Transitioning Veteran Resume and Cover Letter Services

Are you a veteran looking to return to the civilian workforce, or in the active military and seeking a promotion or job opportunity? The Career Service Station can write you your resume and cover letter to convert your military experience into content that translates well to civilian job openings. Send us your resume and/or cover…
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How To Write an Engaging Cover Letter from The Career Service Station

In this video, Robert Braathe describes how to write a punchy, memorable cover letter that gets attention, generates interest, creates desire and shows your desire, and encourages action from employers using the AIDA model.

Video – Tips on Writing a Resume from the Career Service Station

In this 3 minute video, you will see Robert Braathe’s resume and how he formats resumes, updates his resume regularly and suggests layout and content tips for what to include on a resume. Send your resume to for a quote and resume oil change or resume tune-up.

Don’t Let Your GPA Get In Your Way on Your Resume

I’m asked often by my students whether or not they should put their GPA on their resume. My answer is always NO!!!! For example, let’s say you are going up against a candidate with very similar skill sets and experience, but they have a 3.4 and you have a 3.3. If all else is equal,…
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Why a Cover Letter Needs AIDA

I teach my students and clients about AIDA Attention – Desire – Interest – Action and tell them they need to incorporate this methodology in everything they write. Let me write you an AIDA letter for your next job search or client outreach.