Don’t Let Your GPA Get In Your Way on Your Resume
I’m asked often by my students whether or not they should put their GPA on their resume. My answer is always NO!!!!
For example, let’s say you are going up against a candidate with very similar skill sets and experience, but they have a 3.4 and you have a 3.3. If all else is equal, that numeric qualifier may be the decisive difference.
As well, I’ve had both managers and recruiters personally tell me that in some roles, they won’t even consider someone with a 3.0 or higher listed on their resume because that may indicate that they lack street smarts.
How do you show you are a good student? List honors or high honors, but don’t list the GPA. As well, list some of the courses you have taken.
Want your resume improved? Send your resume to and we can give you a quote on your resume. Our “Oil Change” starts at $50 and our “Tuneup” costs $100-200 depending on the amount of work needed on your resume.
Turnaround time is generally within 48 hours of receipt, and we will give you the opportunity for giving feedback once we send you our initial revision before you submit payment.