How to Maximize Your Engagement on LinkedIn

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How to Maximize Your Engagement on LinkedIn

Using LinkedIn in any capacity can help to propel your career as a student or working professional. Although getting your profile set up and running is a great way to start, there are actions you can take to enhance your use of the platform. These actions should be taken with the intention of increasing your engagement, seeing as this will maximize the opportunities you can find on the site. I will be sharing five different steps you can take to make the most of your LinkedIn profile. 

  1. Connect with people you meet in your real life 

Making connections is the most important step to take when beginning your LinkedIn journey. Start by connecting with people you know in your personal and professional network already. Once you have started with your pre-existing relationships, connect with new people. If you are attending any sort of networking event, make sure to connect with the professionals you have met there. These new connections will also help you create mutuals on the platform. 

  1. Optimize your LinkedIn profile. 

Your profile is the first point of contact for most of the connections you will make on LinkedIn. Having an up to date and professional profile will be optimal for achieving your business goals. Use an up to date, professional headshot for your profile picture and update your skills or experiences frequently. 

  1. Post Consistently 

Posting at a consistent rate will increase the engagement rate due to LinkedIn’s algorithm. The more you post, the more they will show your posts on other people’s feeds. Posting different types of content such as pictures, videos, and plain text will keep your connections engaged and potentially help build your network. As your connections like your posts, anyone who is connected to them will see that on their feed automatically giving you more exposure. 

  1. Ask questions in your posts

Posting a picture or thought is a great starting point, but after the like, the connection can stop there. If you post content where people have to think about something, you can start having meaningful and intellectual conversations in the comments that could be beneficial to you or what you are trying to promote. 

  1. Do not post external links 

The algorithm on LinkedIn will hinder your engagement if your post has an external link in it. If you want to share something from a different website, make sure to create a post that mentions the link and put it in the comment section instead.

Interested in getting assistance with managing your LinkedIn presence? Setup a courtesy call at or visit for more details.

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