
Garages Fix Cars. We Fix Careers

How to Network the Right Way

You’ve probably heard the adage, “It’s not what you know; it’s you know.” While your education, skills, and work experience are important when job hunting and building professional connections, knowing the right people is often more valuable. Here are five tips for successful networking: 1. Look for Referrals from People You Already Know Ask family…
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Advice for Great Leadership—From an Employee

By now, I’ve held more than ten jobs and experienced many different leadership styles. I’ve worked under the best and the worst, and from an employee’s perspective, I believe I now understand what makes a great leader. Today, I want to share five pieces of advice to increase employee retention and happiness while maintaining a…
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Washington, D.C.: Bursting with Tech Talent

Along with the educational opportunities in the nation’s capital mentioned in the previous article, Washington D.C. also offers many job opportunities to residents and businesses, including an expansive tech playing field. It’s no wonder blog and social network Built In remarks, “It would be a mistake to overlook the meteoric rise of Washington’s tech and startup…
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Lessons From My First Internship

Just a few days ago, I completed my first internship — my first real experience working in a commercial business. The story began long before my start day in March. I started looking for internships during the summer of 2020. For hours I scrolled through various websites, trying to find a position that would be…
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How Your Social Media Presence Affects the Hiring Process

Today, you can access nearly anyone’s personal information online, from likes and dislikes to political beliefs. But job hunters beware—as social media increases in popularity, employers have found it a useful tool for screening clients. If your social media presence portrays an unprofessional image, potential employers may throw out your application. Here are five mistakes…
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Washington, D.C.: A Mélange of Educational Opportunities

Washington, D.C. is an exceptional city for education, from elementary school students to undergraduates looking for internships for the fall. Being surrounded by local prestigious colleges like American University and Howard University, plus the fact that D.C. “boasts one of the most educated populations in the country with nearly 50 percent of its residents obtaining…
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Keep Your Mental Health in Check- From a Senior in College

I thought I had to have my entire life figured out by 17. Before starting college, it seemed like everyone knew who they were and where they were going in life. I thought I did but had a quick reality check not even a full semester into my freshman year of college.  I always thought…
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How to Write a Killer Cover Letter

According to CareerBuilder, nearly half (49%) of hiring managers say attaching cover letters to applications increases candidates’ chances of getting jobs. You may have the perfect resume and great experience, but do you have a killer cover letter to boot? If not, you need one. Here are six tips for crafting your job-winning cover letter: Customize…
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How to Craft a Killer Resume

A resume is your ticket into your desired job. With so much relying on this essential document, you can’t waste time crafting ineffective work. Instead, try our top six resume tips and churn out a job-winning creation. Six Tips for Resume Creation 1. Avoid Fancy Fonts, Colors, and Templates Using fancy fonts and colors distracts…
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Advice from a “BE Alum”

By: Leah Howard If there has been anything I’ve learned during my time at Braathe Enterprises, it can be boiled down into five words: take initiative and work independently.  If you do not take charge of your precious time and just wait for something to come your way, you’ll be waiting a long while. Connect…
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