Waiting Your Turn – Positivity (Part 2)

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Waiting Your Turn – Positivity (Part 2)

A positive attitude is the key to keeping good relationships with those in the workplace. As I had learned in my previous blog post, optimism will pay off at the end of the day, even on the basketball court. By developing and maintaining good relationships through a positive attitude, you will make the workplace more enjoyable not only for yourself, but others as well. But, what exactly is a positive attitude? Not only does it include respect, but it also includes being a person who is motivating and supportive. Positivity creates a healthy working environment and shows others who you are as a person. 

When asked for his opinion on positivity in the workplace, Robert Braathe, CEO of Braathe Enterprises, said, “As a manager, I’ve seen that some of the best results come from when you’re short staffed.” He expanded on this by discussing the correlation between positivity and collaboration: “Everyone pulls together and has the right mindset about and sees the best about it.” Thinking back to a time when positivity was essential while waiting his turn, Robert looked back to early in his career when he first applied for an advanced summer internship at Disney where he could be a manager. However, due to the competition, he did not land the position. Asking what he could do to earn the position next summer, his boss told him: “Go home, get a job, apply again, and you can get it.” Robert called an employer back at his hometown who set him up with a job in the hotel industry. The next summer, however, when Robert showed up to the career fair in March of 1996, the interview slots were taken. However, Robert remained persistent and went to campus despite the snowstorm that night. Him and his friend were the only people to show up for the interview. Rather than feeling down about himself and the hard work he put in to land the internship, he looked at the situation determined to find a solution. So, after that yearlong process of being patient and earning experience in his hometown, he was able to land the job due to his resilience and positivity. 

After hearing Robert’s anecdote, what I think is the most admirable is his constant desire to improve and his determination rather than falling to the easy temptation of giving up and being complacent. He showed that the mindset you go in with will always reflect in the results that come out. Having this attitude will create significantly better outcomes with peers and employers, as well as improving yourself. 


Throughout the past 3 years in high school, whether in my history class or even my introductory music technology class, I have had to work on important end of the year projects with a team that did not work well together — either the workload was unbalanced, we couldn’t agree on an idea, or we didn’t talk to one another other. One word that can not be emphasized more in this post is: RESPECT. Respect remains the basis of a positive attitude, especially in the workplace. If you respect your team members, you will make sure you are not relying on them to complete the project for you — you will step up and complete your equal share. If you respect your team members, you will confer with each other until a solution or idea is agreed upon. If you respect your team members, you will be sure to communicate with each other in a patient manner. However, you must keep in mind that you can only control how you talk to other people. There is no doubt that at one point in every person’s life, they will encounter someone who refuses to cooperate no matter the circumstance. At the very least, you can only accept the situation you are in, in which patience (or as much as you can muster up) will go a long way for your sanity. 

Your peers and colleagues are people who you will encounter and work with the most in the workplace. So, a positive attitude is significant to the results you will see. Positivity leads to improved collaboration and communication which boosts productivity. Why? Positive thinking improves your concentration, mindset, and emotions.

People will be more willing to talk to someone that they view as kind and open-minded. Thus, a positive attitude will also help you build relationships. This increases your connections and helps you with networking. Networking is necessary to help you further your career by building your list of professional contacts. You never know when you will see someone again in the future, so you do not want to come off with the wrong first impression! 


No matter what, you should always hold a respectful and positive attitude towards your employer. Your attitude will be the basis of the impression and image that you have in your employer’s mind. When discussing the topic of “waiting your turn”, the attitude that you portray while you are waiting is critical in future decisions that your boss makes. 

When it comes time for promotions or a lead steps down and someone must fill their role, your employer will not only look for someone with the proper skillset, but also look for someone who others will enjoy being around. A promotion means a higher position and a positive attitude displays correct leadership. By being encouraging and motivating, your boss will see you as someone who can lead a team and gets along with others very well. 

If you have a sour and frustrated attitude in the workplace because you become impatient while “waiting your turn”, it will eventually show and place you in a negative light. An optimistic mindset shows you being the bigger person, understanding that your time will come, and having determination and perseverance. 


More importantly, you should put yourself above anything else. At the end of the day, your positive attitude will influence you the most. Optimism can be the key to helping you get through a rougher day. Rather than focusing on the negative aspects, you are looking for things to be happy about, which will always be present in your day. This stimulates your brain by giving you a boost of motivation for your day which can provide more energy. Positive thinking also includes positive thinking about yourself — remain confident and know that you can achieve your goals of the day. 

According to the Mayo Clinic, there are various health benefits to positive thinking: 

  • Increased life span
  • Lower rates of depression
  • Lower levels of distress
  • Greater resistance to the common cold
  • Better psychological and physical well-being
  • Better cardiovascular health and reduced risk of death from cardiovascular disease
  • Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress

However, like everything in life, too much of something can be harmful. Toxic positivity occurs when you develop an obsession for having a positive mindset and force yourself to put an optimistic spin on every situation you encounter. As a result, you may silence your other emotions and avoid facing the reality of the situation. Know that it is okay to be sad, frustrated, or angry during moments and that these emotions do not have to be pushed aside. You should not feel the need to force positive thinking in every situation; toxic positivity can force you to invalidate your hardships and prevent you from being honest with yourself. No one can think positively all the time, and that is okay. Rather, look to approach your life with a healthy mindset — you can be positive while also knowing that it is okay to have bad days. It is about how you respond to the situations in life, not about how you try to control it.

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