The Braathe Enterprises Virtual Internship: Building a better world one intern at a time
80 people: collectively working on Finance, HR, Marketing and Writing/Business Development projects, constantly communicating, dedicated to educating themselves. This might seem like a workplace utopia, but in reality, it describes how the Braathe Enterprises Virtual Internship (Be Your Start) functioned during the summer of 2021. Even amidst one of the worst pandemics in history, these interns persevered and continued to grow their knowledge of specialized topics, communication, leadership, and so much more. However, the BE Your Start wasn’t always so successful.
It started in the summer of 2010, with 5 interns willing to learn outside the college classroom. Robert Braathe built this internship to give the kind of education that not many schools give: one-on-one time working with a business leader, room to research and cultivate personal interests, and the hands-on learning of communicating with people around the globe. BE Your Start started humbly with a few bumps along the way: some non-professional interns, shaky boundaries between seasons of new interns, and some bad Wi-Fi connection. However, it has grown to have over 100 interns annually, with college graduates reporting lucrative new jobs and high schoolers gaining invaluable pre-college experience after leaving the 4-month internship.
To learn the fine details of this decade-long process to spread education to those willing to seek it, listen to the podcast below of Writing and Business Development Team Lead Neela Gilbert interviewing Braathe Enterprises CEO and BE Your Start founder Robert Braathe.
The History of the BE Virtual Internship Program Podcast
If you’re interested in becoming a Braathe Enterprises Virtual Internship, check out our internship page here.