Author: braathe

Garages Fix Cars. We Fix Careers

Our First Internship: Virtual Edition

Before the popularity of working online, interns have been stereotyped as coffee-bringers or supply stockers. Braathe Enterprises, with its completely virtual internship, has changed the game. Unsurprisingly, expectations going into an internship can be vastly different than the realities after completion of it. Today, two intern team leaders from B.E.’s Writing and Business Development Team…
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What is Imposter Syndrome?

70% of people will have symptoms of imposter syndrome at least once in their lifetime. Additionally, around 75% of female executives across industries reported that they’ve experienced imposter syndrome in their careers. This number is startling, seeing as imposter syndrome is not officially recognized by the American Psychological Association. What is this puzzling syndrome, and…
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The Braathe Enterprises Virtual Internship: Building a better world one intern at a time

80 people: collectively working on Finance, HR, Marketing and Writing/Business Development projects, constantly communicating, dedicated to educating themselves. This might seem like a workplace utopia, but in reality, it describes how the Braathe Enterprises Virtual Internship (Be Your Start) functioned during the summer of 2021. Even amidst one of the worst pandemics in history, these…
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How to write a 5-7 page paper in under 90 minutes

Writing a successful paper on a time crunch is a skill that is helpful to all students, regardless of major or education level. Whether you procrastinate to the last moment, have a timed paper you need to do in class, or want to get an essay out of your way, writing a paper in under…
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Top Tips from BE’s Writing Team

Today, we’re excited to share a collaboration between four members of the Braathe Enterprises writing team: Alexis Carriere, Amber Nathan, Amy Guo, and Neela Gilbert. (For more information on each intern, check out our Instagram and Facebook at @CareerServiceStation)!  Each member has contributed two tips for better writing. Check them out below. Amber Nathan  I…
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Washington, D.C.: Bursting with Tech Talent

Along with the educational opportunities in the nation’s capital mentioned in the previous article, Washington D.C. also offers many job opportunities to residents and businesses, including an expansive tech playing field. It’s no wonder blog and social network Built In remarks, “It would be a mistake to overlook the meteoric rise of Washington’s tech and startup…
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Washington, D.C.: A Mélange of Educational Opportunities

Washington, D.C. is an exceptional city for education, from elementary school students to undergraduates looking for internships for the fall. Being surrounded by local prestigious colleges like American University and Howard University, plus the fact that D.C. “boasts one of the most educated populations in the country with nearly 50 percent of its residents obtaining…
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Advice from a “BE Alum”

By: Leah Howard If there has been anything I’ve learned during my time at Braathe Enterprises, it can be boiled down into five words: take initiative and work independently.  If you do not take charge of your precious time and just wait for something to come your way, you’ll be waiting a long while. Connect…
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4 Simple Practices to Have a Productive Day Working From Home

Since the pandemic began, we conduct everything from school to work online, which causes demotivation for most of us. Some may have found staying at home and working online ideal at first, as it removed worries like preparing for and commuting to a job. But after a period of time, those initial excitements gradually faded.…
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Find a New Job with A New Resume in 2020 and Pay the Balance in 2021

If money is tight but you want to make things right with your career, check out my special offer for October 2020: Resume Writing / LinkedIn Profile Special: Pay a $49 deposit on any resume rewrite or LinkedIn profile package and pay your balance due in January or February 2021 for a free quote…
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