Simple Ways to Start Preparing for Your Job Search While Still in College by Katelin Kalgren
We all know that to achieve your dream job, you will need a good resume. Most people only
look toward creating a stacked resume and skip over some of the smaller, helpful tasks
We all know that to achieve your dream job, you will need a good resume. Most people only
that will help them prepare for their future.
1) Connect with professors
For almost any job or internship, you need references. After class, most students leave or
do not take the time to get to know their professors. Even just participating in class makes
a significant difference. By getting to know your professors personally and being an active
participant in class, they will be able to be great references for your next job.
2) Take Advantage of Resources
Many colleges have ample career and professional development resources. For instance,
my college has a photo booth to take free professional headshots, and they have a place
where you can get an entire professional outfit for interviews and more for free. Also, they
have peer editors to work on your resume one-on-one with you.
3) Hone Your Skills
Most colleges give students access to LinkedIn Learning for free. Here, you can work on
skills you might not be able to in the classroom or work on something different from your
normal classes to expand your knowledge of more topics. You can even earn professional
certificates to enhance your LinkedIn profile.
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