3 Qualities to Have as a Leader by Kenneth Tor Sriwong
When stepping into a leadership position, there are unique approaches that a person can take. Different leaders from all walks of life operate in ways that differ from what others may view as a good leader. While these approaches may vary, there are certain qualities that can help all types of leaders find the most success:
- Assertiveness: When communicating with others, it is always ideal to express yourself in an honest and direct manner. Being too passive or too aggressive may yield respect or drive people away. An assertive leader will make sure to clearly communicate their needs while simultaneously showing a level of respect for their team members.
- Empathy: Being empathetic towards others will allow a leader to foster a positive relationship with their team members. It builds a level of understanding that can make people feel seen in their struggles rather than judged. Leading with empathy can create an environment of trust and comfort within a team.
- Motivation: Staying motivated not only helps a leader stay focused on their tasks but also encourages their team members to do the same. A leader who is committed to achieving their goals will help inspire others to do their best no matter what.
Looking to break into leadership? Check out our services at https://www.careerservicestation.com/services to setup some coaching or training to become a stronger leader.